Cormac, the Skunk, was a big hit. And as my father-in-law put it, "We all knew he was a big stinker, anyway, right?" He's right. But in the best possible way to think of it. ;o)
Me, Kimberly, Conan and Cormac. A lesson I learned: DO NOT SLOUCH. It is unbecoming, especially to us, umm, larger-sized women! *yikes*
This was a random trick-or-treater that was SO adorable that I had to take his picture. He's the most ADORABLE Harry Potter EVER.
To close, the pumpkins that Conan, Kimberly and Cormac carved. My bro-in-law has some mad carving skills, eh? (He did the winking one) And, there's the cutest shot I got - in my humble opinion. Cormac looking back at me like he's got something really sarcastic to say. I can't wait 'til he starts talking! I've got SO MUCH to teach him!
Hope you all had a safe and Happy Halloweenie. It was a LOT of fun in the Gray household!
Now go out and shoot something! ;o) (a little photographer humor there!)